This is a game about typing words to fuse them together to create new elements. Complete your to-do list to unlock powerups that will help you conquer the more difficult levels. Typing skill is important but if you can unlock spells like Entangle or Zombify, you can manage even the most ridiculous of challenges. 


This game was created for both my CS50 final project and the Pirate Software Game Jam 15, my first game jam.  I had too big of a scope and could not finish in time for submission but I liked the game and spent the time to put the final touches during the week after the deadline.

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Development log


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Solid game! Shame it didn’t get done in time for the jam, but it stands pretty well on its own as a solid typing game!

Cosmomoney’s on the money with the feedback. The blacking out was annoying, but I’m really glad there was a save function! It stopped what would have made the game unplayable and turned it into merely a minor nuisance.

Overall, great job!


I am glad you liked the game. The scope was definitely too ambitious for the jam, it took about a week longer than the jam deadline to get it to this point. Regardless,  hearing that you and others enjoyed it makes me glad that I finished it, regardless of whether it made the jam. Thanks!


I enjoy this game a lot! It's a really fun typing game. The mechanics of it really start to shine as the difficulty increases--I really like that it gets darker the more you type words wrong because it makes for a great challenge! The powerups are nice and work well too! There depth of vocabulary is also a fun inclusion, there are so many words I don't think I've ever seen before. It's fun that you basically end up picking pairs of topics for each level. And it's also fun to try to figure out how to build up to a power up as you go through the game like those games where you combine elements. I still haven't completed the game, but I'll play more after I give my hands more of a break for now haha :)

There are some bugs/issues I noticed, but nothing that ruined the experience for me. Going to note them here in case you want to try to fix them (you should if you find the time/energy, this game is very fun!):

  • Sometimes when I pick two elements for a level I get a black screen. Fortunately you save progress, so all I need to do is refresh the page (no idea if that messes with your analytics a bit... sorry if it does!). It seems to never happen the first time I try it, but after I finish a level it seems to happen much more often. If it's helpful, I'm on Windows and Chrome. I would say if you fix anything this is definitely a big one because it could turn some people away. 
  • I think the description for the stop power was wrong? If I remember right (I think it only shows once), it seemed to say that it stops words for a few seconds, but it actually seems to keep them stopped. I was actually relieved it kept them stopped, I think if it was only for a few seconds it might have been a little too weak.
  • It seemed like if I have two of the same power saved up it uses both. I think I only did this once, so not 100% sure if I just typed something twice frantically haha
  • There was one time I think I accidentally used a burn because another word started with it? Also possible I mistyped it.

Realizing now I'm not entirely sure if some of the things I mentioned might be real things--I guess I moved through some parts a bit fast, so I wasn't sure if they were really issues, sorry if I'm mistaken! The big one that is a thing for sure though is the black screen. It seems to show up the moment I click the second element.

Overall, really great job! It's a fun game with a ton put into it! :)


Dude! Thank you so much for the detailed review and heads up on some of the bugs/issues. I am glad you enjoyed the game. I will look into all the things you mentioned today (besides the blacking out when you select certain elements bug, I already fixed that this morning). 

Feedback like this is what keeps me going, thanks!